Magi Cosplay Tutorial: Paimon Staff
(Image Copyright A-1 Pictures, and is not mine)
Alright everyone, it's Sael with another Magi tutorial! Not a surprise by now, is it?
So, this one is actually really simple. I based it off of a design from the Paimon Fan that I got from a friend. My idea isn't 100% accurate, but it's about 99% accurate.
Step 1: Materials, the Gathering
This actually didn't take that many supplies, and of course I was quite pleased by this.
-Hot Glue gun (and sticks)
-Sculpey brand modeling clay ($6 at Walmart for a LOT. Alternatively, you can get play doh, or Model Magic)
-PVC pipe
-Black Spray Paint (any cheap $1 kind)
-Gold Spray Paint (mine is Maxx metallic gold by Krylon)
-3 sheets of craft foam
-lots of white feathers
-Either construction paper, or folded over printer paper, or 3 sheets of binder paper that you glued together
-permanent marker
-scissors or X-Acto knife ($2 @ Walmart)
-3 red circular acrylic gems (or 2 circular ones, and one large oval one which I've never been able to find.
I measured the PVC pipe to about breast-height. I didn't want this thing to be too tall so I could carry it around con easier, and if I ever wanted to sell it, it wouldn't be too big for a short person. (Remember, I'm almost 6-feet tall!)
If your pipe is dirty (like, DIRTY dirty) then scrub it clean. Large amounts of dirt can interfere with any plans.
Finding a full picture of the staff is hard! I finally found one, but one part I couldn't figure out how to do, so I just left that small part out (it was at the bottom anyways). Here's my vague design in case you wanted it!
Step 2: Cutting Designs
So, The first thing I did was figure out where I want to put the designs on it. There are at least 6 rings (I added an extra, and I'll explain why in a bit). Measure your pipe with a measuring tape and then measure it out 4 times onto a sheet of craft foam. I made two of mine 2 inches wide, and 2 1/2 an inch wide because I thought it would look good. No problems if you make them all the same size. How you want to put them on is up to you!
As for the canon design, there are 2 rings right on top of each other at the top, and 3 inches after that, are two more right on top of each other. Then, there are two 4 to 6 inches from the bottom.
The Rings are in red. There's four large ones at the top, and two towards the bottom
After that, I cut out the trident looking parts that go with the feathers. I got one half of a page of news paper (hamburger style) and drew out a vague trident shape on one half, which a large stem at the bottom as an insert for the pipe. After that, I traced it in sharpie, folded it in half, and cut it so I had two equal sides (all one piece!) without accidentally having a "lucky side" (aka a smaller half that didn't match). Put these aside, because you'll be putting them on separately.
Next, you'll take your printer paper or what have you, and cut out the vague shape of the feathered part. This will help you keep the feathers in place and in the shape of the metal vessel without having to buy 100+ feathers to try to filly up a butt-ton of empty space! This should be larger than the trident things!
Step 3: Clay Time!
Now, grab your clay (whatever kind you used) and try to make the point at the end of the staff (the same as at the end of the fan). For added points, push the clay into the end of the pipe so that an insert is created to make gluing easier later on.
This is pre-baked. It will look the same when baked.
If you need to bake it, be sure to bake it appropriately. I ended up baking mine 20 minutes (Sculpey is 15 minutes per 1/4" thickness. If you don't know what temp to bake it at, I did mine at 300 F if you'd like to try that.
Play Doh doesn't need to be baked. Just leave it out for a long time!
*Note: If you bake it, it will shrink a bit!
After it cools, just put a glob of glue all around it and push it in and hold it for a minute or so until it doesn't try to come back out any more. After putting it in, I put another ring of craft foam around it because the clay shrank and it looked weird.
Step 4: Painting!
Now, you can take it and spray paint it black! Also spray paint any seperate pieces that will eventually be gold, but don't attach them to the pipe or you'll end up with gold feathers too!
After it dries (about all night??) you can spray paint them all gold.
Step 5: Feathers!
Now, on your feather cut out, you'll want to decide which way you want your feathers to go. Do you want them all going one way? Different directions?
Once you figure out what you want, just start gluing them on.
After that, put glue on the trident looking things, and put those on either side of the feathers.
Hopefully things will be covered up!
Fix up as you see fit, and then you're a Great Magician!