Sael is just a college student who spends copious amounts of money on cosplays when they should be spending it on school. Sael is lame, and got their name from a name generator, and then just shortened it because they love shortened names. That full name is Saeledheldes which means "Wise [Female] Elf" and they think it suits them very much. They typically use it for their usernames on sites like Flight Rising where they usually troll the crap out of people.
Sael has been cosplaying since about 2006 when they were 12 years old (22 now!), but they took a hiatus in 2011 and threw out all their cosplays except Haruhi from OHSHC, and did not return to cosplay until 2014. Generally they were disinterested with cosplay until recently.
They are obsessed with Magi: Labyrinth of Magic and almost totally refuse to cosplay anything else.
Sael wishes it to be known that they are in a school that requires them to be there 60 hours a week and cannot always have frequent posts, but they try.
Sael has a phobia of Horseshoe crabs.
Current Cosplays are:
Sinbad (Three Different Versions)
Morgiana (Almost Two Different Versions)